Motivation In Life

If There Is Will, There Is a Way

Friday 18 August 2017

Unimal Burned, Alhamdulillah Most Valuable Items Succeeded Saved

In the midst of a severe fire that hit the Rector's Bureau of the University of Malikussaleh (Unimal) in Reuluet, North Aceh, Friday (18/08/2017) morning, the news relieved the hearts of graduates who have not taken his diploma on campus.

"We need to inform you that hundreds of graduates of S1 and S2 Unimal graduate degrees this semester and last semester which are still in Unimal Rector's Bureau are rescued, so none of them are burned," said Unimal Rector, Prof. Dr. Apridar MSi who contacted , Friday afternoon.
According to him, the certificates have been kept in a safe place in deposite safety box in a secret room in Unpad Rector Bureau Building.
"Alhamdulillah, even though the rector's office has been burned down, but all the diplomas have been rescued, and the graduation will soon be completed, especially since last semester graduation so no need to upset," said Apridar.
(Read: BREAKINGNEWS - Unimal Rectorate Building Burned)
The rectorate with the academic staff is also working to save the data of students, lecturers, and employees stored in the computer server room.
That space is solved glass by the suspect and then he engineering the flow of electricity in the room that causes shorting and eventually burned.
(Read: BREAKINGNEWS: Bring Pertalite, Suspect Unveiled How to Burn Unlimited Campus)
However, the server was rescued from the fire. However, it was wet from the water when the officer sprayed water into the room when extinguishing the fire.
"If it is dried, we will check whether the server is still working or at least no missing student, lecturer, and administrative data is our hope," Apridar said.
(Read: Curhat in WhatsApp Group, Dozens of UIN Lecturers Checked Police)
Unimal Rector Bureau Building was burned Friday at around 07.00 WIB by a former honorary staff who disappointed his contract is no longer extended.
The man has been working as an electrician at Unimal. But as honorary, salary is certainly not big.
The suspect was arrested at Lhokseumawe Mapolres a few hours after the incident to be questioned as well as accountable for the desperate acts he committed.


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